Fish is one of the wonderful safe sources of protein that can be taken without worries by most people suffering from major health problems like diabetes and hypertension.

Healthcare experts often recommends eating 1-2 portions of fish each week as it is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids that often plays an important role in boosting our overall health.

If you are the one who don’t like to consume fish, you can get good benefits of protein from fish oil capsules

Nutritional Supplement, Vitamin, Women, Healthy Lifestyle, Capsule – Medicine

Fish oil capsules comprises of oil extracted from the tissues of fatty fish like tuna, herring, anchovies.

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It can also be extracted from the livers of some fish like cod and cod liver oil is one of the highly popular and demanding sources of protein supplements nowadays.

Fish oil capsules are extremely useful for the body and some of surprising health benefits that you can get on consuming it are-

i) Keeps your heart healthy

To maintain a healthy heart and prevent the blood pumping organ from getting affected by heart attacks or strokes, it is essential for us to consume fish or fish oil. It can also reduce the risk of several heart diseases, lowers blood pressure, decrease triglycerides and manage cholesterol levels. The magical Omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil will allow you to enjoy fruitful years of life with your loved ones by keeping the vital organ of life i.e heart functioning well.

ii) Improve brain health

Brain is another vital organ of the body and it needs to be kept healthy for living a fruitful life. With a good diet rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, your brain performance like attention span and memory power will increase very highly. Fish oil consumption is also good for elderly people as it reduces age related cognitive problems. Meanwhile, fish oil can also lower depression and anxiety thereby helping in getting good mental health

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iii) Supresses inflammation

The anti-inflammatory compounds present in Omega 3 fatty acids like eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) reduces the risk of disease occurring due to inflammation like diabetes and obesity. Fish oil capsules are thereby excellent supplements that you can include in your diet for living a healthy life.

iv) Promotes muscle and bone health

Muscle recovery rate increases faster when the body gets good dosage of Omega 3 fatty acids. Fish oil capsules can help in recovering sore muscles that may result from lifting heavy to very heavy weights. It strengthens muscles well and can even help you from recovering fast from severe sprains much sooner. Fish oil can be highly beneficial for elderly people as loss of muscle mass and function that comes with aging can be maintained well. Meanwhile research has also shown that fish oil also increases bone health and lowers the risk of fractures.

v) Keeps skin healthy

Fish oil can also help you in getting flawless skin bereft of acne and other irritating conditions. Research has shown that the EPA and DHA compounds of Omega 3 fatty acids controls oil production in skin and prevent acne breakouts. It is also responsible for keeping skin soft, supple and hydrated.