Polythene bag in nursery
Representative image. Photo credit - TDI Custom Packaging

The recent letter of the Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change to ban use of polythene bags in nurseries of State Forest Departments has been lauded in Nagaland.

The letter to the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (HoFF) Department of Forests and Wildlife Government of all States, Rohit Tiwari, Deputy Inspector General of Forests (FPD) recently stated that the Government of India has decided to make the country single-use plastic free by 2022.

In this regard, the Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change has directed that the Ministry as well as all offices under the Ministry be made plastic free.

“It has been observed the nurseries under State Forest Departments use polythene bags of various sizes for raising seedlings of plants for afforestation and other activities,” stated DIGF Tiwari.

Principal Chief Conservators of Forests (HoFF), Department of Forests and Wildlife Government of all States have been requested to ensure that “use of polythene bags in the nurseries” in their respective States is dispensed with and alternatives are explored for raising seedlings.

“This may be carried out with immediate effect as that all nurseries in State Forest Departments are plastic free by the next planting season,” Tiwari further stated in his letter.

Lauding the move of the Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Amba Jamir, policy analyst and founder secretary of the Sustainable Development Forum Nagaland (SDFN) on his Twitter handle on Monday stated:  “The move to ban use of polythene bags in nurseries of state forest departments by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change is a welcome move. Hope this trickles down to all other departments, development agencies and private nurseries too.”