Very few industries and sectors around the world have given birth to businesses and platforms that have gone ahead in adding more value into people’s lives. These businesses, brands and platforms have grown to be known as revolutionary names in their respective sectors and have also made headlines with the kind of outstanding products/services they have provided their target audience with.

However, what has helped them stand distinctive from the rest is how well they have gone ahead in adding great value to the lives of others. Though this sounds easier than it actually is, many businesses have thrived on the same, and the finest example in the digital financial industry is of MetGain, as the first decentralized marketplace with blockchain infrastructure in the world.

MetGain, which created much buzz with the launch of its MetGain Token in December last year, is now trying to create great headlines by passing on the opportunity to shine to other inventive startups and businesses in the world of entrepreneurship.

The team, including Chief Technical Officer Greg Thomas and Blockchain Specialist Naruto James, along with a vast team of Security Strategists from the Netherlands, are very clear on their goal to discover new talents in entrepreneurship and support all those who showcase something valuable to offer to their target demographic. They want to support positive disruptors in the business space and give wings to those who are in need of the right kind of financial support and guidance in business.

MetGain ( is currently basking in all the attention for choosing to help many such promising new startups for them to become the next Unicorn and prove their mettle in their niches. MetGain as a platform achieved tremendously also because of its winning features like full assurance and safety, instant payment and transfer in the user’s wallet, 100% decentralization and user-friendly interface.

Interestingly, it started at $10 and reached $4.80 and now experts are of the opinion that once its stake value reaches 2.5 crores, the price will also rise to $3410 per token. It has helped people build their own metaverse by delivering immersive metaverse experiences based on media, rewards, and gaming.