SP, Darrang Amrit Bhuyan (Right) with young farmer Dhrubajyoti Saikia at the later's organic farm field on Tuesday
Darrang superintendent of police Amrit Bhuyan (right) with young farmer Dhrubajyoti Saikia at the later's organic farm field in the district on June 25, 2019. Image: Northeast Now

Darrang police is going to strengthen the ‘police -farmers’ relation for a peace friendly developing atmosphere in the district.

This was observed by the Darrang district superintendent of police Amrit Bhuyan while interacting with a group of young progressive farmers of the district at an interior village Ramgaon of Mahaliapara under Pathorighat police outpost of the district on Tuesday.

Addressing the group of 30 selected young farmers who have been undergoing a free month long workshop on organic farming organized by D J Agri, Ramgaon and conducted by Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship (IIE), Guwahati, the superintendent of police Bhuyan said that farmers have a big role to play in the society not only from the economic point of view but also from law and order point of view, because farming is the main means of employment and  criminal environment develops from the lack employment.

“If our youths get busy with new scientific farming, they will not only contribute to the economy of the nation but also will help in developing a peaceful and friendly atmosphere for all sorts of positive growth of the society,” he said.

Appealing the trainee farmers to grow themselves as the most celebrity farmers of the country through hard work and wipe out forever the age old insult to the Assamese youths as the ‘dhodh’ meaninig idle and become a role model for the other unemployed youths who used to spend valuable amount of time in gossiping and any other worthless things.

The superintendent of police assured all kinds of support to the farmers’ community and strengthen the police-farmers relationship for a better future of the district.

He also replied to the relevant querries made by a section of participant farmers.

Before the interaction, Dhurbajyoti Saikia, a promising young farmer and the proprietor of the D J Agri, the organizer  of the workshop greeted the superintendent of police, Bhuyan with a ‘phulam bihuwan’ and a packet of black rice produced by farmer Saikia himself.

Dr Jugabrata Nath, a senior veterinary officer and one of the resource persons of the workshop, senior journalist Bhargab Kr Das and promising young avian farmer Kushal Kalita were also present on the occasion.

Earlier, the month long workshop was inaugurated by district agriculture officer Bharat Deuri on June 3 last in presence of the participants and a host of prominent guests.

Mayukh Goswami is Northeast Now Correspondent in Mangaldai. He can be reached at: [email protected]