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The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has declared Nazira Police Station as the best police station in Assam.


The police station located in the Sivasagar district has been ranked as the best among all police stations in the State according to the Annual Ranking of Police Stations for 2018.

A special team of MHA has declared the Nazira police station as the best in Assam after having examined all the police stations of the state on the basis of various parameters.

The Nazira Police Station has been awarded with a ‘Certificate of Excellence’ by MHA.

The parameters under which the MHA has examined the police stations in the state include security arrangement, cleanliness, cops’ way of dealing with visitors, their way of handling grievances and complaints of people etc.

The MHA team also inspected whether the police stations maintain their records efficiently or not, their performance in terms of efficiency, sensitivity and presentation and also on the public’s feedback on the police stations.