Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) chief Masood Azhar Image Credit: livemint.com

China on Monday claimed that positive progress has been made to resolve the issue of designating Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) chief Masood Azhar as a global terrorist by the UN.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said that after the application for designation of Azhar was proposed in the 1267 Committee, the country had been in close communication and coordination with various parties and made positive progress.

When asked if the ’progress’ was meant to resolve the issue of listing Azhar as a global terrorist, Geng said ,”Yes , the US knows that very well.” However, he refused to provide further information.

Shuang lashed out at the US for scuttling its efforts and taking the matter directly to the Security Council, according to reports.

China had put a hold on a French proposal to list Azhar under the 1267 Al Qaeda Sanctions Committee of the Council. However, last week, the US, Britain and France stepped up its efforts to push for the United Nations Security Council to blacklist Azhar.

The US circulated a resolution, drafted with British and French support, to the 15-member council that would designate the JeM leader, subjecting him to an arms embargo, travel ban and asset freeze, diplomats said.

Shuang said that he hoped that various parties will meet each other halfway and continue to properly solve the issue under the 1267 Committee framework.

He also said that UNSC members exchanged views on the US proposed draft resolution last Friday.

The spokesman claimed that majority believes in resolving the issue through the 1267 Committee framework and are not in favour of the draft resolution.

Shuang said that despite knowing that China had been working with various parties to resolve the Azhar issue, the US had been insistent on pushing the Security Council to adopt the draft resolution.

He claimed that the US is setting a bad example which is not in accordance with the rules and practices of the Security Council.

Shuang also claimed that the US has been trying to complicate the issue by taking it directly to the Security Council.

To another question about criticism that the US is making hasty efforts to list Azhar by bypassing procedures to benefit Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in India’s General Elections, Geng said the US’ stand is not conducive to peace and stability in South Asia.