Mizoram Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla.
File photo: Mizoram Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla.

Mizoram Chief Minister and veteran Congressman Lal Thanhawla on Sunday hinted that the Congress may form an alliance with like-minded parties after the results of ensuing Assembly elections are declared.

He, however, claimed that such a situation will not arise as the Congress will get full majority on its own. In Mizoram, support of 21 MLAs is needed to form a government in the 40-member Assembly, which is going to polls on November 28 and the counting will take place on December 11.

He, however, ruled out possibility of any alliance with either the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) or the Mizo National Front (MNF).

But at the same time, Lal Thanhawla said that the situation would not arise as he exuded confidence that the grand old party will retain power by gaining majority.

Notably, Mizoram is the only north-eastern state where the Congress still has power.

Regarding senior party leaders and ministers deserting the party ahead of the Assembly elections, Lal Thanhawla said that no genuine party worker has left the Congress and only corrupt leaders have left the party.

At least five Congress MLAs have resigned from the Assembly and the party in the run-up to the polls and joined either the BJP or the MNF.

Those who have resigned include state’s Home Minister R Lalzirliana, former Health Minister Lalrinliana Sailo, former Fisheries Minister Buddha Dhan Chakma and MLA Hmingdailova Khiangte.

Even Mizoram Assembly Speaker Hiphei resigned earlier this month.