Internationally acclaimed photographer Shahidul Alam walks out of jail on Tuesday. Image credit: The Daily Star

Internationally acclaimed photographer Shahidul Alam walked out of jail on Tuesday evening after languishing in jail for 108 days. He walked out of Dhaka Central Jail in Keraniganj around 8:20pm, The Daily Star reported.

Photographer Alam was arrested and sent to jail on charges of “spreading propaganda and false information against the government”.

Earlier on November 15, Shahidul Alam obtained permanent bail from the High Court. The High Court granted him permanent bail considering his age and the time he spent behind bars.

Shahidul was picked up by law enforcers on the night of August 5 from his home in the capital’s Dhanmondi area during the student protest for safe roads.

Shahidul is one of the most respected photographers in the world. His pictures have been published in almost all the global newspapers and magazines in the world.

He is among that elite corps of global photographers who is regularly hired by the most renowned global publications to do assignments in various parts of the world.