An appalling case of an acid attack was reported from central Assam’s Nagaon district where a jilted lover threw acid on a girl in the intervening night of Wednesday and Thursday.

The critically injured girl was rushed to Nagaon Civil Hospital in Nagaon in a critical condition. She was admitted to the casualty department and later shifted to special burn ward with 40% injury.

Police officials said the incident took place around 1.30 am at Salona when the girl was returning home from a Durga Puja pandal along with her mother and a brother.

“A local youth identified as Sanjay Sarkar allegedly threw acid on the girl as she turned down his love proposal,” said a police official. The mother as well as the brother of the girl was also injured in the attack. The accused fled the spot immediately after the incident.

Police said a massive manhunt has been launched to nab the culprit.

Earlier on October 8, another woman was attacked with acid by a man in upper Assam’s Lakhimpur district after she rejected his marriage proposal.

The woman, a first year college student, was hospitalised with burn injuries on the left side of her face, chest and right arm.

The victim and her family members had alleged that the accused threw acid “to take revenge” on her and her family for rejecting his marriage proposal.