Conjunctivitis also known as pink eye is the swelling or inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is the thin transparent layer of tissue that lines the inner surface of the eyelid and covers the white part of the eye causing the eye to turn reddish.

Arunachal Pradesh has witnessed an increase in cases of Conjunctivitis in the last few days.  

There has also been a rapid increase in the cases of Conjunctivitis among children in other states including Delhi, Maharashtra, and West Bengal due to heavy monsoon rains that led to waterlogging.

Schools in several districts of Arunachal Pradesh remain closed to curb the spread of the disease. Conjunctivitis are of several types and can be caused by bacteria, virus or allergy.

The infection that is spreading at a higher rate is an acute viral infection that can be controlled. The symptoms include itchiness, redness, watery discharge, and swollen eyelids.

If it is a bacterial infection, the thick discharge from the eyes is yellow or green. If it is a case of a viral infection, medications or eye drops can not provide immediate relief, it may take around 1-2 weeks to get relief.  

Here are few measures to take to prevent the spread of conjunctivitis:

  • Maintain hygiene

Parents should encourage regular washing of hands to keep the child’s hand clean to prevent the spread germs. Conjunctivitis and other eye flu gets transmitted through contaminated hands.

  • Use tissues

Use tissues while coughing or sneezing to reduce exposure to airborne viruses. Reduce frequent touching or rubbing of eyes to prevent infection.

  • Sanitize your personal belongings

Constantly sanitize your personal belongings, especially eyeglasses, contact lenses and things that come in contact with eyes.

  • Keep distance

Ask the children to maintain distance if anyone shows symptoms of conjunctivitis around them to prevent transmission.

  • Seek medical help

If the child shows any symptoms of the infection, it is advisable to seek medical help to prevent complications and prevent the spread of the disease.