Arnab Goswami
Arnab Goswami. (File image)

Guwahati: Republic TV Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami has tendered his unconditional apology before the Delhi High Court in a 2016 contempt case.

The case was filed by former Executive Vice Chairman of TERI R.K. Pachauri against Goswami and others for “fragrant and willful disobedience” of the court’s earlier orders restricting them from publishing certain claims against him.

“I hereby tender my apology to this Hon’ble Court and request that this Hon’ble Court may graciously be pleased to accept the apology and close the instant proceedings against the deponent,” said Goswami, who is also the managing director of Republic TV in his affidavit submitted in court on April 28.

The affidavit further stated that Goswami is a law-abiding and a respectable citizen of the country, holds all courts in high esteem and has the highest respect for the Delhi High Court.

“I had no intention to commit any act/ omission amounting to disobedience much less, wilful disobedience of the orders of this Court.

“I say that the alleged broadcasts were done under the bona fide belief that the same was not prohibited in terms of order passed by this Hon’ble Court on 18.02.2015 passed in C.S. (OS) 425 of 2015. The alleged broadcasts were made as part of fair reporting in view of the liberty under Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution of India as recognised by this court in the aforesaid order,” the affidavit reads.