In today’s digital era, every single kid is raised with a mobile phone which induces them to lead a tech driven lifestyle.

Addiction to gadgets has been the buzzing problem among this generation of kids and peeping on the mobile screen has become an essential activity of our lives.

Children know much more about the reel world today as compared to the real world.

Moreover, the tempting hand held devices and computers has turned to be a necessity and is inseparable for the kids.

The way we consume a balanced diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle screen should be properly chosen and be used in the right quantity and right time. Screen time can be healthy as well as unhealthy depending on the way we use it.

Browsing the internet for educational purposes, school works, interacting with friends and relatives can be considered as healthy while visiting forbidden websites, watching adult TV songs and playing violent digital games can be considered as unhealthy.

There are many parents among us who are battle weary and have fought to tear out children away from their phones, tablets and what not.

According to the Screen time guidelines by Indian academy of Pediatrics, children below the age of 2 years should not be exposed to any type of screen. 

The children of the age group 2-5 years should not be exposed to more than 1 hour while it is important to balance screen time for the teenagers along with with other activities like physical activity, adequate sleep, time for schoolwork, meals, hobbies, and family time that are required for overall development.

Engaging in mobile phone for a longer time can affect the mental health like delayed speech, hyperactivity, aggression, violence among the younger children.

Prolonged screen time can tend the desire for instant gratification, fear of being left out, cyberbullying, misinformation about sex by exposure to pornography, cyberbullying, drug use, self-harm, anxiety, and depression. 

Some of the ill effects of prolonged screen time on physical health are obesity, poor sleep patterns, eye strain.

It is found that the child complains about neck, back ache, headache and stiffness or swelling in the figure or wrist.

Reduced socialization, social anxiety and decreased academic performance are some additional ill effects of prolonged screen exposure seen on children which has indirect effects on the mental health of an individual.

Social interaction plays an important role in overall growth of a children but the use of the gadgets has led to the children more engaged in the social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Whatsapp rather than making real friends or going out to play with them.

In recent times, the youngsters are engaged in digital games like Pubg and Clash of Clans are popular social media spaces where they connect with young people and gamers. The social media platforms are much misused by the young people rather than using it for information wisely.

It is important to educate children about the permissible age wise use of various platforms and informing and educating children about good online manners.

Create a safe space for the children so that they can talk openly about their fears or activities going in their lives.