GUWAHATI: The year 2022 was the fifth warmest year in India since 1901.

This was stated by the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD).

Since March 2022, India experienced above-normal temperatures for 10 months.

Many North Indian states experienced heat waves with temperatures ranging between 40 and 44 degree Celsius in March 2022.

The annual mean land surface air temperature was 0.51 degrees Celsius above the long-term average which is the mean temperature for the 1981-2010 period.

However, this was lower than the highest warming observed in India in 2016 when the average temperature was 0.71 degrees Celsius.

The all-India mean temperatures during the 2022 winter season — January to February — were normal with an anomaly of -0.04 degrees Celsius.

Temperatures during the pre-monsoon months (March to May) were above normal with an anomaly of 1.06 degrees Celsius.

Rainfall over the country in 2022 as a whole was 108 percent of its Long Period Average value based on the period 1971-2020.

The previous year also witnessed 15 cyclonic disturbances — three cyclonic storms and 12 depressions — formed over the north Indian Ocean against the normal of 11.2 based on data of 1965-2021.