New Delhi: The Delhi Anti-Corruption Bureau arrested Aam Aadmi Party MLA Amanatullah Khan in a two-year-old corruption case.

As per reports, the MLA was questioned and then a raid was conducted at his house on Friday.

After the raids, the ACB arrested him in a case related to alleged illegal appointments in the Delhi Waqf Board.

However, after the arrest, the AAP termed the allegations or charges against Amanatullah as baseless.

On Friday, the MLA from Okhla was called for questioning in a case registered under the Prevention of Corruption Act.

According to a press statement, the MLA while working as Chairman of the Delhi Waqf Board illegally recruited 32 persons violating all “norms and government guidelines” and with allegations of corruption and favouritism. 

“The then CEO of Delhi Waqf Board had clearly given statement and issued memorandum against such illegal recruitment”, said the statement.

The ACB had also alleged that relatives and people known to the MLA had also attacked the search team.