A replica of Agra’s Taj Mahal has been built at the initiative of a person from Madhya Pradesh’s Burhanpur.

Like Shah Jahan made the iconic monument as a mark of his love for his wife Mumtaz, this building has also been constructed as a gift to the person’s spouse.

Anand Chokse, a resident of Burhanpur, always wondered why the Taj Mahal was not built in his city, Burhanpur, as Shah Jahan’s wife Mumtaz had died in that city, India Today reported.

It is said that the Taj Mahal was to be built on the banks of the Tapti River but was later built in Agra.

It took three years to complete the 4-bedroom house, which is an exact replica of the Taj Mahal.

The engineer who built the house said there were many challenges in the construction of a house.

He studied the real Taj Mahal closely. He sought help from artists from Bengal and Indore for the carving inside the house.

The dome of the house is at a height of 29 feet. It has Taj Mahal-like towers and the flooring of the house has been made from ‘Makrana’ of Rajasthan and the furniture has been prepared by the artisans of Mumbai.

The building consists of a big hall, 2 bedrooms downstairs, 2 bedrooms upstairs, a library and a meditation room.

Not only this, the lighting both inside and outside the house is done in such a way that this house shines in the dark just like the real Taj Mahal.