The Global Naga Forum (GNF) has condemned the recent inter-factional clash between the NSCN-U and the NSCN-K (Niki Sumi) group, which resulted in the death of a cadre of the Niki Sumi group. 

“The Global Naga Forum condemns in the strongest possible terms the enmity between the NSCN-U and NSCN (K-Niki Sumi) which has resulted in the murder of a patriot in the Niki Sumi group,” the GNF said in a statement. 

The GNF further said: “Any group that resorts to Naga-on-Naga violence and murder is by those very acts an enemy of the people and of the Naga cause.” 

“…taking away the right of our own people to live, is absurd. It is barbaric, inhuman and morally repugnant by the standards of any civilised society,” the GNF added. 

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A cadre of the NSCN-K (Niki Sumi) was killed in an inter-factional clash between the NSCN-U and NSCN-K (Niki Sumi) on Sunday night in Dimapur district of Nagaland. 

The dead NSCN-K (Niki Sumi) cadre has been identified as Ino Atoka Kinimi, an additional secretary of the outfit. 

The GNF also called for resolving any issues via non-violent measures. 

“The Naga people are dead tired of the endless divisions, enmities and killings. GNF believes it is time to start resolving the problems through non-violent negotiations and commitment to a process of healing,” the GNF said in its statement.