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Teenagers with a happy childhood are less prone to drink, consume drugs and enjoy learning, a study published in the journal ‘Addiction Research and Theory’ has revealed.

The study that involved 2,000 US high school students established a relation between how teenagers feels about their past, present, and future and their classroom behaviour.

This affects their academic performance and puts them at risk of substance abuse.

The researchers said many teenagers are struggling with online study and are struggling with loneliness because of which they are turning to drinks and drugs, a report stated.

It is high time for parents and teachers to help students develop a positive outlook and stay motivated to learn new things.

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Teenagers with a balanced and positive attitude towards their childhoods are more able to abstain from alcohol and drug abuse compared to those with a pessimistic outlook.

The study rated how nostalgic the subjects were towards their childhood, current level of happiness in their lives,and how much they were hopeful of a happy future.

The study also focused on drugs and alcohol habits over the past 30 days including binge drinking and the average academic performance of the subjects.

Their motivation levels and behaviour during classes were also taken into consideration.

Teenagers with a content and optimistic outlook are more likely to be focused, which aids in the learning process.

The study found girls to possess stronger levels of behavioural engagement than boys.

On the other hand, students who drank were more likely to use cannabis.

The study, however, did not cover the long-term relationship between positive attitudes, levels of engagement among students and substance misuse.