bhutan films in cambodia

The 8th Cambodia Film Festival which will be held in Phnom Penh from March 5 to 15 will showcase and promote 10 films from Bhutan.

A total of 10 movies will be featured in the film festival which is directed by eight Bhutanese film makers.

A press release from the Bhutan Film Trust states that an assorted collection of independent short films, feature films and documentaries will be showcased in the film festival which will give a glimpse into the problems plaguing the Bhutanese society.

Short films such as “Lo Sum Choe Sum” by Dechen Roder; “A Forgotten Story”, “Girl with a Red Sky” and “The Red Door” by Tashi Gyeltshen and “Monk in the Forest” by Karma Wangchuk will be featured in the the short film category of the film festival.

Feature films such as “Norbu my Beloved Yak” by Pelden Dorji; “The Prophecy” by Zuri Rinpoche and “Kushutara” by Karma Deki will also be showcased.

Documentary pieces such as “The Next Guardian” by Arun Bhatarai and Dorrotya Zurbo and “Home Alone” by Loday Chophel will also be one the main attractions of film festival.

Actor and Film Maker Loday Chophel will also grace the event as one of the representatives from Bhutan.

The section on Bhutanese films at the film festival titled ‘Panorama on Bhutan Cinema’ is initiated by the Bhutan Film Trust.

The Trust helps Bhutanese cinema by supporting young and independent talent and helps them take their work to International audiences.