Amid India-China border dispute deadlock, Beijing has reportedly started laying fibre optics cables and installing other equipment for 5G services along the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) troops were also found constructing barracks and other structures near the Pangong Lake.

The intelligence agencies flagged that construction for 5G was noticed near Demchok area, one of the disputed sites at LAC, in the first week of August.

According to reports, the agencies noticed installation of equipment for new spectrum bandwidths, laying of fibre optics cables and the development of cellular transmission technology.

The agencies also alerted that fresh construction works were seen along the Pangong Lake despite China having stated they will move back.

New huts and sheds have come up at Pangong Lake. This is happening even when both the countries are in dialogue for disengagement.

The India-China standoff is nearing four months after tensions broke out in early May.