Representative image.

As the number of positive COVID-19 cases continues to increase in India, which in fact has doubled in the last four days, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) said on Sunday that there was no evidence of the virus being airborne.


“There is no evidence of coronavirus being airborne,” reported a Hindustan Times quoting ICMR head scientist Raman Gangakhedkar.

Gangakhedkar further clarified that the coronavirus primarily spreads through droplets generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

“It also spreads through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose of the infected person,” he further said.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) in March said there is not sufficient evidence to suggest that coronavirus is airborne.

“Except in a handful of medical contexts, such as when intubating an infected patient, there is no substantial evidence that suggests that coronavirus is airborne,” WHO said.