Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC) member from Sohra constituency Titosstarwell Chyne was elected as the new chief executive member (CEM) of the council uncontested on Tuesday.

The election of Chyne came after the Executive Committee (EC), led by Latiplang Kharkongor as the CEM, was defeated during the ‘no-confidence motion’ earlier in the morning.

The ‘no-confidence motion’ was moved by the member from Sohryngkham Constituency, Pynïaid Sing Syiem, seeking the confidence of members of the council, and the members of the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) supported the no-confidence motion.

Members of the UDA said the council needs a stable executive committee because there has been instability in the council in the past four months that led to the imposition of Governor’s Rule since February 7.

The Governor’s Rule was lifted on March 21, and the special session of the KHADC to take up the ‘no-confidence motion’ was fixed on Tuesday (March 24).

The special session was held amid lockdown in the entire Meghalaya in a bid to contain the spread of COVID-19.

A view of the KHADC session on Tuesday. Image credit – Northeast Now
A view of the KHADC session on Tuesday. Image credit – Northeast Now

After discussion by the members from both sides, the KHADC chairman, PN Syiem put the ‘no-confidence motion’ to vote by raising their hands.

As the majority of members of the UDA who supported the ‘no-confidence motion’ raised their hands, the EC led by Kharkongor collapsed.

After the collapse of the Kharkongor-led EC, the chairman announced the election to the CEM post at 1 pm.

Since Titosstarwell Chyne was the only candidate who filed nomination for the election to the CEM post, the chairman announced his election uncontested.

The United Democratic Forum (UDF), led by the former CEM, Latiplang Kharkongor, however, did not field its candidate for the election.

Kharkongor said he has no ill-feeling for having defeated in the ‘no-confidence motion’ because “I was elected as the CEM in the House, and I also got defeated in the House”.

Chyne was elected as a member of the KHADC from Sohra constituency twice, in 2009 and 2019.

Chyne was an executive member under the leadership of former CEM, Teinwell Dkhar.

Chyne was also elected once as the MLA of Sohra constituency in 2013 but lost the Assembly elections in 2018.

The chairman and other members congratulated Chyne for having been elected as the new CEM of the KHADC.

Thanking all members of the council for electing him to the post of CEM, Chyne said he requires the support of all members and they should continue giving suggestions to the Executive Committee for the interests of the council and the indigenous people.

He also talked about the proposed amendments to the Sixth Schedule and the need to ensure transparency and accountability in the functioning of the council.