Coronavirus vaccine
Representative photo.

While domestic cases of COVID-19 or coronavirus dwindle in China, the country on Sunday reported 16 new imported cases of the deadly virus which is the highest over a week.

According to media reports, the National Health Commission of China said infections involving people arriving from overseas were reported in five provinces and cities including Beijing and Shanghai.

Four new domestic cases were reported in Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei province, which was the epicenter of coronavirus that first emerged last December.

China has reported a total of 111 imported infections with regions outside of Hubei reporting no new indigenous cases for the third day in the row.

Till Sunday, the overall number of confirmed coronavirus cases in mainland China increased to 80,844.

In mainland China, a total of 3,199 people have died of coronavirus including 10 other people losing their lives in Wuhan.

A total of 152,901 confirmed cases have been reported across the world with deaths of 5,962 people.

Meanwhile, a total of 75,959 people have recovered from the disease.

The coronavirus or COVID-19 is affecting 155 countries and territories around the world and one international conveyance (the Diamond Princess cruise ship harbored in Japan’s Yokohama).

In a video message recorded on Friday afternoon, UN chief Antonio Guterres assured the world that the COVID-19 virus will peak, and the global economy will recover but, until then, “we must act together to

The UN Secretary-General said in the face of a health crisis unlike any other in our lifetimes, it is natural to feel anxious, worried and confused.

The most vulnerable in society are also the most affected, and the social and economic fallout will affect most of us for months to come.