Boad exam
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The Council of Higher Secondary Education Manipur (COHSEM) has set up a three-member committee to find out how the question papers of at least five subjects of Class 11 final examination were leaked.

According to a statement issued by the Education Department, the committee will be headed by the Director of Education (Schools).

The committee formed by the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur will have the additional director of education (schools) department.

The committee will also have the deputy secretary to the education department as a member.

Also read: Manipur class 11 board exams question papers leaked

The committee will find out the facts and circumstances leading to the leakage of the question papers.

Moreover, the committee will also find out whether there were any procedural lapses on the part of the COHSEM or any individual was involved in the question paper leak, say media reports.

It will also suggest measures on how to prevent such lapses in the future.

After the leakage of the question papers of at least five subjects – Maths, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Manipuri – the Council cancelled the Class 11 final examinations on Wednesday.

The examinations began on February 17.

The Council has instructed principals of all the affiliated schools to return the questions papers “in their original forms as collected” by February 24.

COHSEM chairman L Mahendra said the principals, who do not comply with the Council’s direction, will be considered as individuals responsible for the leakage.

The COHSEM chairman said, “Authorities of private institutions found guilty will have their affiliation cancelled.”

COHSEM chairman L Mahendra said the final examinations of all streams of Class 11 were cancelled as “concrete evidence regarding the leakage” was found.

New dates will be announced for the examinations soon, the Council authority announced.

Earlier, the final examinations of Class 11 were scheduled to end on March 26.