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The Army’s College of Military Engineering has developed a gunshot locator jointly with a private firm that costs much cheaper than the imported ones.

The device named ‘Parth’ costs around Rs three lakhs, and if inducted, would replace a similar imported item which costs around Rs 65 lakhs, according to reports.

The device can locate the exact location of a bullet from a distance of 400 m and will help to locate and neutralize terrorist faster.

Major Anoop Mishra showcased the indigenous ‘Parth’ gun shot locator device at DefExpo 2020.

Incidentally, Major Mishra, who had developed a bulletproof jacket for protection against sniper bullets, has developed a helmet which is claimed to be first such in the world that can stop an AK-47 bullet round from a distance of 10 meters.

The officer is part of the Indian Army’s College of Military Engineering and had got into the development of bulletproof jackets after he had received gunshots on his vintage bulletproof jacket.

The College of Military Engineering (CME) at Pune, a premier tactical and technical training institution is the alma mater of the Corps of Engineers.

CME is responsible for training of personnel of the Corps of Engineers besides imparting instructions in Combat Engineering, CBRN Protection, Works Services and GIS matters to the personnel of All Arms & Services.