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Two persons have recently been detected with swine flu in Manipur.

As per reports, samples of six persons, including those who had been detected with swine flu, were sent to the National Institute of Virology in Pune for testing for coronavirus.

The six persons whose samples have been sent for testing had recently arrived in Manipur.

However, the reports of only three persons have been received till now.

Among these three persons, none of them tested positive for coronavirus but mild cases swine flu have been detected in two of them.

Also read: Mizoram begins coronavirus screening along Indo-Myanmar border

Of the two affected persons, one had recently visited China, while the other came in contact with that person.

The two persons will be monitored through home isolation and medicines will be provided to their family members.

It may be mentioned that the Manipur government has stepped up the screening of visitors at airports and check posts, especially along the areas bordering Myanmar.

The Manipur health department has deputed medical officers along India-Myanmar border towns of Moreh and Behiang for screening of persons – both foreigners and Indians – travelling from China and adjacent countries for coronavirus-like symptoms.

Meanwhile, the Central government on Tuesday banned all India-bound airlines from boarding any passengers from China and cancelled all existing Indian visas.

The government’s decision came in the wake of rapid spread of coronavirus outbreak which originated in China’s Wuhan province.

A total of 490 people have died of coronavirus and more than 20,000 people were tested positive till Wednesday morning for the virus in China.