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Assam Governor Prof Jagdish Mukhi said Assam University being an established name in the field of higher education in the State should champion the cause of basic science research and promote the interests of pure and applied sciences in the students of higher education.

Addressing the students on the occasion of 27th foundation day celebrations of Assam University at Silchar on Tuesday, Prof Mukhi said, “At present, we live in a world where technology surrounds us and technological products and applications are changing our lives every moment.”

“Space travel is no longer a distant dream and artificial intelligence and robotics are no longer science fiction,” he added.

The Governor, however said, “This development should not divert our attention from basic science research.”

He, therefore, urged upon Assam University to mould and motivate its students into basic science research and make fundamental changes in the lives of the people living in the State.

He also urged upon the university faculty members to strike a proper balance between science and humanities.

He said the purpose of education should make an individual a well-rounded personality and a good human being.

He also said that the university must help the students to imbibe interests in a range of subjects.

For instance, he said that a good scientist will become a better scientist with some knowledge of social sciences and liberal arts.

Similarly, a student of humanities will gain from an appreciation of science.

As academic institution, Assam University should help an individual student to appreciate this and take measures to broad-base the higher education.

Referring to New Education Policy of 2019 which emphasizes that higher education institutions should have the ‘autonomy to innovate’ on matters of curriculum and assessment and that they should integrate their academic plans with the institutional development plans, Governor Prof Mukhi said Assam University and all other institutions of higher learning in the country should assiduously imbibe the ideals laid down in the new educational policy.

He also said that in the light of New Education Policy, the universities should fund student clubs and activities and set up support centres for students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

This is very important in the light of the government’s aim to address issues of inequity in higher education, the Governor added.

Prof Mukhi also called upon the academic and administrative members of Assam University to take adequate steps for proper integration of arts and humanities with STEM- science, technology, engineering and mathematics to make higher education more inclusive and representative.

First lady of Assam Prem Mukhi, Minister of Forests Parimal Suklabaidya, former Union Minister of State Kabindra Purkayastha, vice chancellor of the university Prof Dilip Chandra Nath, deans, registrar, heads of Departments and Centres, faculty members and students of the university along with others were present on the occasion.