ammunition and explosives
The recovered ammunition and explosives. Image credit - Northeast Now

The Army and Chirang Police on Wednesday unearthed a huge cache of explosives and ammunition.

On a tip-off the Chirang-based Army of the Red Horns Division and Chirang Police on Wednesday launched a joint operation along river Sukanteklai near the Indo-Bhutan border.

During the operation, the security force personnel were able to unearth the explosives in huge number along with ammunition.

It is suspected that the cache of explosives and ammunition belongs to the anti-talk faction of the National Democratic Front of Boroland (NDFB-S).

The area was once dominated by the banned militant group NDFB(S) which was responsible for the December 2014 massacre in Assam.

Also read: Assam: Huge cache of arms, ammo recovered in Chirang’s reserve forest

“On specific input over the presence of huge amount of ammunition and explosives, a search operation was launched along Sukanteklai River near the (Indo-Bhutan) international border,” said sources.

Following a deep search carried out using metal detector, a suspected spot was located.

“On digging by the Army and police personnel, a hidden cache of ammunition and explosive was found. The cache included large amount of ammunition, detonators and grenades,” sources said.

This is the second major success achieved by the Army and police in unearthing hidden arms and ammunition in the recent past.

Last month, a huge cache of arms, ammunition and explosives was recovered in Panbari Reserve Forest.

“The success of the operation will go a long way in preventing any major anti-national activity by militant organisations. This will ensure peace is maintained in BTAD and Assam,” said sources.

Rinoy Basumatary is Northeast Now Correspondent in Kokrajhar. He can be reached at: [email protected]