The Naga Students’ Federation has organized a Naga mass rally in New Delhi on September 25 next to press for early solution to the Naga issue.

The federation in a letter to the Naga Students’ Union Delhi has stated that it has proposed to hold a massive rally in the national capital on that day.

The letter had stated that the rally is organized to ‘press for an early, inclusive, acceptable and honourable solution to the protracted Indo-Naga political peace process’.

Notably, the federation in its third official meeting held on Wednesday decided on holding the mass rally.

The letter further stated that ‘it is in this light and on the promises of a solution made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’, the federation ‘expresses optimism’ that the ‘government of India will give a patient hearing on the will of the Naga youths and students for an inclusive and honourable solution’.

The federation through the letter has appealed to the Naga students’ union of New Delhi to whole-heartedly participate in the mass rally and make it a success.