The project will link Agartala with Bangladesh Railway network at Akhaura.

The Agartala-Akhaura Railway Link (Bangladesh) project is likely to be completed by 2020.

This became clear during a discussion between Indian High Commissioner to Bangladesh Riva Ganguly and DoNER minister Jitendra Singh on Thursday.

Secretary (DoNER) Inderjit Singh and senior officers of the ministry were also present at the meeting.

The Agartala-Akhaura Railway Link project was discussed, among other issues during the meeting.

The cost of the project is Rs. 972.52 crores, which is being funded by DoNER ministry on the Indian side and by MEA on the Bangladesh side.

The project will link Agartala with Bangladesh Railway network at Akhaura.

The Indian sided length is 5.46 km and Bangladesh side is 6.57 km.

IRCON, CPSE of Railways is the executing agency for the Indian side and also Project Management Consultant for Bangladesh Railways.

The project will also cut travel time of rail journey from Kolkata to Agartala (via Guwahati) of 38 hours and 1500 km to 15 hours and 500 kms.

Maitree Express is already running between Kolkata and Dhaka which can be extended to Agartala.

Singh said that cultural linkages with Bangladesh are very important.

He said that tourism, trade and cultural exchange between the two countries should be promoted.