Amchang wildlife sanctuary
Assam Social Welfare Minister Pramila Rani Brahma. (File image)

The eviction drive at Amchang wildlife sanctuary here, which was halted by the state government in view of school examinations and the weather getting colder in December last year, will resume soon.

Assam forest and environment minister Pramila Rani Brahma on Sunday said the government is in no way allow people to illegally stay in the wildlife sanctuary as it’s a threat to wildlife.

“We will definitely carry out eviction drive again in Amchnag. All encroachers in the wildlife sanctuary will be evicted. The Government is just seeking time from the Gauhati High court for few days,” Brahma told reporters here.

She said the administration is waiting for the land survey report and the eviction drive in Amchang would be launched immediately after getting the report.

“A joint panel constituted by the government has carried out the land survey in Amchang. The eviction drive will be resumed based on the report submitted by the panel,” Brahma said.

The minister, however, said people living in revenue villages will not be evicted.

“The issue of rehabilitation of the evicted people is being considered by the government,” she added.

Over 10 sq km of the 78.64-sq km Amchang Wilelife Sanctuary, which is home to 44 species of mammals and 250 avian species, besides varied numbers of reptiles and amphibians was under encroachment.

The eviction in the wildlife sanctuary was suspended on November 30 last year following instruction from the Gauhati High Court after the state government made a verbal submission before the court.

Over 400 residential structures including schools buildings were demolished, triggering protests across the state against the eviction drive.