Unable to make much progress in the invasion of Ukraine, Russian forces have continued with their heavy artillery shelling and missile strikes on major cities. 

Heavy fighting between the Ukrainian forces and Russian invading forces continues in Kharkiv – Ukraine’s second largest city – amid heavy bombardment by the Russian forces. 

According to latest reports, a Russian missile hit the police headquarters in Kharkiv, resulting in the building being nearly destroyed. 

Russian missiles have also reportedly hit a military academy in Kharkiv, which has been on fire for the past 9 hours now. 

Also read: Ukraine war: Ukrainian sports legends & stars pick up arms against invading Russian forces

One of the oldest Universities in Kharkiv was also hit by a missile strike of the Russian forces. 

The general staff of Ukraine’s armed forces has said that “Russian forces are trying to advance in all directions”, but are facing stiff resistance from Ukrainian military. 

The Ukrainian armed forces have also informed that the Russian forces are “suffering losses everywhere”. 

“Unsuccessful in advancing its forces, Russian forces continue to launch missile and bomb strikes in order to intimidate the civilian population,” general staff of Ukraine’s armed forces said. 

Russia has launched another attack on Kharkiv – the second largest city in Ukraine – in a bid to capture it. 

Paratroopers of the Russian army have landed in Kharkiv and attacked one of the city’s military medical facilities. 

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian forces have launched a counter offensive to repel the Russian attack.