MOSCOW: Russian President Vladimir Putin, on Wednesday, oversaw the annual exercise by the strategic nuclear forces of Russia.

This annual exercise by the strategic nuclear forces of Russia, which was witnessed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, was the first since the invasion of Ukraine earlier this year.

“Under the leadership of… Vladimir Putin, a training session was held with ground, sea and air strategic deterrence forces, during which practical launches of ballistic and cruise missiles took place,” the Kremlin said in a statement.

Ballistic and cruise missiles were launched in the Far East and Arctic, the Kremlin said.

President Putin was shown on Russian TV watching a video feed of the launch.

The nuclear drill by Russia came amid claims by Moscow that Ukraine is plotting to use a “dirty bomb”.

A “dirty bomb” is an explosive device mixed with radioactive material.

Ukraine and other western nations have already termed the claims by Moscow as ‘false’.

Ukrainian defence minister Oleksiy Reznikov said that “my personal opinion is that Putin won’t use nukes”.

The last Russian nuclear drill took place five days before it invaded Ukraine.