Guwahati: Visitors were left shocked when a man disguised as a wheel-chair bound elderly woman threw a piece of cake at Mona Lisa at the Louvre Museum in Paris on Sunday afternoon, BBC reported.

The famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci was unharmed due to its protective glass casing.

The man had tried to damage the artwork after entering the venue in a wheelchair.

After his stunt, which left the protective glass covered in cream, he then shouted at people to think of planet Earth.

The videos of the attack on the painting have gone viral on social media. The Videos appear to show the man in a wig and lipstick and after the incident he then also threw roses in the museum gallery.

Security guards were filmed escorting the wig-wearing activist away as he called out to the surprised visitors in the gallery: “Think of the Earth. There are people who are destroying the Earth. Think about it. Artists tell you: think of the Earth. That’s why I did this.”

Guards were then filmed cleaning the smeared cream from the glass.

It is not the first time the 16th century Renaissance masterpiece has been targeted.

The painting was stolen in 1911 by a museum employee, an event which increased the painting’s international fame.

It was also damaged in an acid attack perpetrated by a vandal in the 1950s, and has since been kept behind glass.

In 2009, a Russian woman who was angry at not being able to obtain French citizenship threw a ceramic cup at it, smashing the cup but not harming the glass or the painting.

Luckily, the painting that time, too, was protected by bulletproof glass.