Taslima Nasreen

Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen stirred up controversy online and was slammed for her tweet on “easy way of suicide”.

In a series of tweets, the ‘controversial’ author chose to write about the many painless ways in which one can commit suicide.

“Why hang yourself, drown yourself, or cut your wrist, why jump from the high rise building or the bridge, or swallow pesticide, or poison or why jump in front of an oncoming train? Take the lethal doses of morphine and die peacefully,” Nasreen wrote in her first tweet.

When a Tweeter user pointed the author that ‘easier ways to suicide’ is not something to encourage, Nasreen replied, “People are committing suicide every day. Just 2 days ago the owner of cafe Coffee Day jumped from the bridge. So painful death!”

Nasreen further clarified that she was not encouraging anyone to die, however, said that those who decided to commit suicide should do it in a peaceful way.

“I am asking people who decided to commit suicide or who is determined to commit suicide, to get a peaceful way to do it. It is a positive tweet,” she wrote.

The author was further criticised by a number of tweeter users.

She was called insensitive, ignorant and termed her tweet as unhelpful.