A photo of a nun in Myanmar’s Myitkyina region has gone viral in the social media.

In the photo, the nun – Sister Ann Rose Nu Tawng knelt before heavily armed policemen, pleading them not to shoot at protestors.

“Kill me instead,” Sister Ann pleaded with the policemen.

Sister Ann Rose Nu Tawng dropped to her knees as police prepared to clash with pro-democracy protestors in Myitkyina region of Myanmar.

A video footage of the interaction between the nun and the Junta forces are doing rounds on the internet, triggering a wave of sentiments.

Sister Ann was concerned that children and local residents might get affected in the firing.

Despite, repeated pleas by Sister Ann, the armed policemen opened fire on the pro-democracy protestors.

2 persons were killed in the police firing.

Since the Myanmar military staged a coup a took over power from the democratically elected civilian Government, over 50 people have lost their live in clashes with the armed forces.