Acclaimed Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan, who passed away early on Wednesday morning, was buried at the Versova Cemetery in Mumbai at 3 pm.

Due to the COVID-19 lockdown, not many people could come out and pay their last respects to the late actor.

Only 20 relatives were permitted to attend the funeral along with his wife Sutapa Sikdar and sons Babil and Ayan.

“Irrfan was buried at the Versova Kabrastan in Mumbai at 3 pm this afternoon soon after the news of his passing away was announced,” read a statement on Irrfan Khan’s last rites.

“In presence were his family, close relatives and friends. Everyone paid their final respects and mourned the loss of his passing away,” it further stated.

“We pray for his peace and we hope he’s in a better place today. He was strong in his fight, and we all have to be strong too in this loss,” it added.