Bhutan Prime Minister Dr Lotay Tshering has expressed his gratitude to all the women across the world on the occasion of International Women’s Day.

“It is a perfect start to a week. We do so with a day that celebrates the very source of life and love,” Bhutan PM Dr Tshering said in a Facebook post on Monday.

“With all the power to create, nurture and transform, it is the presence of women that completes our circle of being,” he said.

“Therefore, today, and all other days, I offer my gratitude to women around the world,” he added.

The Bhutan PM said he remains “motivated” by the stories of love and strength displayed by generations of women that elicited lasting peace and calm in humanity.

“And without having to look far, we have the biggest inspiration in Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen, whose compassion and wisdom touch lives and alleviate sufferings in all homes across the country,” Dr Tshering said, adding, “Which is the reason why our Bhutanese women, in all parts of the world, display similar qualities of courage.”

The leadership, sacrifices, and hard work of “our women”, particularly in the recent episodes of the pandemic are soul-stirring, he acknowledged.

“So, I take opportunity on this International Women’s Day to once again thank each and every woman who has made our lives more meaningful and worthy,” Dr Tshering further said.