Pakistan PM Imran Khan recently met Chinese President Xi Jinping and discussed on a number of issues, especially on Jammu & Kashmir

India has taken strong note to a reference of Kashmir during a meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan.

“It is not for other countries to comment on India’s internal affairs,” Indian Express reported quoting a government source.

The Chinese President is scheduled to arrive in India on Friday on a two-day informal summit.

ALSO READ: Chinese President Xi Jinping to visit India on October 11

“India’s position has been consistent and clear that Jammu & Kashmir is an integral part of India,” said Raveesh Kumar, official spokesperson Ministry of External Affairs.

“China is well aware of our position. It is not for other countries to comment on the internal affairs of India,” he added.

The Kashmir reference was mentioned in a joint statement by Pakistan and China.

“The Pakistan side briefed the Chinese side on the situation in Jammu and Kashmir, including its concerns, position, and current urgent issues,” the statement said.

Responding to it, the Chinese said that it was “paying close attention” to the present situation in Jammu & Kashmir.

“Kashmir issue is a dispute left from history and should be properly and peacefully resolved based on the UN Charter, relevant UN Security Council resolutions and bilateral agreements,” China said.

“China opposes any unilateral actions that complicate the situation. Parties need to settle disputes and issues in the region through dialogue on the basis of equality and mutual respect,” the statement added.

The Chinese statement did not go down well with India and it said no other country should speak on India’s internal affairs.

The upcoming informal summit will provide an opportunity to Indian PM Narendra Modi and Chinese President Jinping Xi to continue their discussions on overarching issues of bilateral, regional and global importance.

The two leaders will also exchange views on strengthening further ties of friendship between India and China.