With the advent of various kinds of online streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon, Hotstar etc, web series have become the talk of the town and a majority of people today prefer watching series of various themes and genres.

Until a couple of years back, people were mostly glued to the foreign series- mostly due to the lack of Indian content and quality Indian web series.

However, in the recent past apart from Hindi, web series in several other Indian languages like Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, and Bhojpuri has become a massive hit of among the audience an this has left them craving for more.

Hindi series like Smoke, Mirzapur, Sacred Games, Patal Lok has become immensely popular among the audience.

This has been possible purely due to their gripping story-telling ways, rich content and impeccable performances.

Most of these series have been widely appreciated by the audience and they have been able to carve out a niche for themselves.

As I watched some of these regional language web series, I wondered if we could have a similar series from Assam as well.

And on thinking deeply, I realised yes we can have several web series from Assam as we have countless numbers of stories to tell.

Battle of Saraighat: The Battle of Saraighat fought between the Ahoms and the Mughals could make a brilliant web series if made with proper research and intent.

The tale is awe-inspiring and it will give Goosebumps to anyone when the grandeur of the Ahom dynasty and the naval war scenes are recreated.

Assam Agitation: The six-year-long Assam Agitation aka Assam Movement was a popular movement against illegal immigrants in Assam.

There are several folklores associated with the movement as well and if the historical events are knotted together, we will have a gripping series with content for several seasons.

ULFA: The United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) came into existence in 1979 and its primary aim has been to establish a sovereign Assam.

Though we know a lot regarding the birth of ULFA and its subsequent operations, however, we still have a lot more to know.

A separate series can be made on its elusive and charismatic Commander-in-Chief Paresh Baruah.

There is a lot of folklore, myth as well associated with Baruah and these would certainly make an interesting story for the OTT viewers.

Secret Killings of Assam: The period from 1998 to 2001 is considered as “the darkest” chapter in Assam’s political history.

During this period several relatives, friends, sympathisers of ULFA were “systematically killed” by unknown assailants.

The entire incident is still a mystery. A series highlighting on the various known and unknown events related to these secret killings would make an interesting watch.

But of course, the series will never get a clearance for the obvious political reasons and pressures.

Upendra Nath Rajkhowa Case: The State of Assam vs Upendra Nath Rajkhowa case has all the ingredients for a perfect thriller.

A judge on the verge of retirement, four murders, the perfect concealing of the bodies, the famous trial and ultimately a death sentence to Rajkhowa- this tale has everything of which a thriller aficionado can ever ask for.

The house in which the murders took place in Dhubri district of Assam, later became famous as one of the scariest houses of Assam.

Different Personalities: From the great kings to the modern-day trendsetters, Assam has several personalities on whom biopic will fetch millions at the box office.

But if making a full-fledged movie is troublesome, then I strongly recommend dedicated web series on them.

Lakshminath Bezbaroa, Phani Sharma, Bishnu Prasad Rabha, Jyoti Prasad Agarwala, Pramathesh Barua, Bhupen Hazarika, Bhabendra Nath Saikia etc., are just a few names on whom web series can be made.

Books & Literature: Novels and books are a popular choice of web series makers and Assam can offer plenty of such novels with gripping stories.

From the pre-independent era to the late 2000s, there have been several great books on which a web series can be easily made.

I am refraining myself from naming any book here as if I sit down to list down the names of books of my choice, this article will never end.

The Urban Legends: Like every other state, Assam is also full of several urban legends- some of which are yet to be chronicled.

If one decides to take 20-30 such urban legends, then we could easily have three seasons of a gripping web series.

From paranormal to crime, the list of chilling urban legends runs down long, extremely long.

This list of ideas contains those ideas that came to me in a jiffy and by no means, it is the final list.

If one sits down and thinks for long, the list will certainly get longer as there are many more gripping ideas for a web series from Assam.