On International Women’s Day on Monday, Google announced that the company would support 1 million women entrepreneurs in rural India.

Announcing this on his Twitter handle on Monday, Google CEO Sundar Pichai announced a grant worth 25 million dollars to fund projects meant for addressing systematic barriers to economic equality across the world.

“Today at #GoogleForIndia #WomenWill we announced a commitment to support 1M women entrepreneurs in rural India, and a $25M @Googleorg Impact Challenge for Women & Girls to fund projects addressing systemic barriers to economic equality globally,” Google CEO Pichai tweeted.

The initiatives, taken by Google, were unveiled on the Internet Women’s Day on Monday.

“Whatever these teams need, we are going to be alongside them and help carry out their vision,” said the president of Google.org, Jacquelline Fuller at a virtual event.

The company said it will accept applications from teams worldwide up to April 9.

“When women and girls have the resources and opportunities to turn their potential into power, it changes the trajectory of their lives and strengthens entire communities,” Fuller said.

“I’ve seen this play out first hand while living in India, where public health programs that put resources and decision-making in the hands of women drove much stronger outcomes for their families and villages.”

“I’ve seen this in my own life, when bosses — both male and female — gave me stretch opportunities and bet on my leadership,” the Google.org president said.

“This is why I was excited to join our CEO Sundar Pichai to launch our global Google.org Impact Challenge for Women and Girls at a Google for India Women Will event earlier this morning,” she said.

She said they are calling on ideas from nonprofits and social organizations around the world that are working to advance the economic empowerment of women and girls and create pathways to prosperity.

“Google.org will provide $25 million in overall funding and Impact Challenge grantees will receive mentoring from Googlers, Ad Grants and additional support to bring their ideas to life,” Fuller said.