Myanmar's State Counselor and Foreign Minister Aung San Suu Kyi (C) speaks during the 13th Asia Europe Foreign Ministers Meeting (ASEM) in Nay Pyi Taw on November 20, 2017. Photo: Thura/Mizzima

The EU’s foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini on Monday hailed “extremely encouraging” talks with Aung San Suu Kyi on the Rohingya crisis, welcoming steps towards the repatriation of Muslims driven from Myanmar into Bangladesh.
But her optimistic tone appeared sharply at odds with the realities on the ground in a crisis that has seen 620,000 Rohingya flee Myanmar’s Rakhine state since late August. Deadly attacks by Rohingya terrorists on August 25 sparked a massive backlash from Myanmar’s security forces.
Diplomatic pressure has been growing on Myanmar, especially on its Nobel Peace Prize-winning leader Suu Kyi. In response the country has said it is ready and willing to take back refugees, if they can “verify” they belong in Rakhine.
Mogherini, who visited refugee camps in Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar over the weekend, emerged from Monday’s talks with Suu Kyi in a positive mood.
“I found it (the talks) extremely encouraging,” she told reporters in Myanmar’s capital Naypyidaw at a meeting of Asian and European foreign ministers.
“I am very much encouraged by the possibility — that I believe is real and concrete — of Myanmar and Bangladesh” reaching an agreement for the repatriation of refugees.
The two countries have yet to strike a binding deal on repatriation.
Rights groups say a speedy and safe repatriation of significant numbers of Rohingya is highly unlikely since large numbers are still fleeing violence, fear and hunger on a daily basis.