Sravya Annappareddy, a 10-year-old Indian-American Girl Scout has been honored by US President Donald Trump. Image credit: India Today
Sravya Annappareddy, a 10-year-old Indian-American Girl Scout has been honored by US President Donald Trump. Image credit: India Today

US President Donald Trump honoured Sravya Annappareddy, 10-year-old Indian-American girl, for spreading love and goodwill during coronavirus pandemic.

As a goodwill gesture, Sravya donated cookies to nurses and fire-fighters fighting the COVID-19 pandemic in the US.

Moreover, Sravya also sent personalised greeting cards to healthcare workers engaged in the war against COVID-19.

The US President and the First Lady Melania Trump also paid tribute to several American heroes engaged in the war against COVID-19.

Apart from the frontline workers, the duo also honoured Girl Scouts from Maryland for donating cookies to nurses and fire-fighters.

“The men and women we honour today remind us that the bonds that unite us in times of hardship can also raise us to new heights as we reopen and recover and rebuild,” The Washington Times quoting the President.

“Girl Scouts Laila Khan, Lauren Matney and Sravya of Troop 744 in Elkridge, Maryland, all 10 years old, donated 100 boxes of Girl Scout cookies to local doctors, nurses and fire-fighters,” the report further added.

“They also wrote 200 personalised cards for health care workers,” the report said.