Two Chinese vehicles possibly carrying China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) troopers in civilian dress reportedly intruded into Indian Territory at Changthang area of Nyoma block in Leh district.

Following strong objection by authorities and locals in the area, the vehicles fled the spot and returned back to their own Country.

The locals reportedly alleged, “Though the vehicles carried people who looked like civilians, there is a very strong possibility that some Chinese soldiers were also among them.”

A video has gone viral on the social media that shows Chinese vehicles “entering the Indian Territory and rushing back after strong protests were staged by the sub-district magistrate and other locals.”

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The reported incident took place following setting up of a tent by the Chinese near the line of Actual Control (LAC), very close to the area where locals graze their livestock.

The Chinese also reportedly threatened the locals of the area of dire consequences if they let their livestock graze in the area.

The locals then informed the authorities and the Indo-Tibetian Border Police (ITBP) about it.

The incident took place almost 6 days back.

Changthang in Leh is mostly inhabited by Tibetan refugees.

It may be mentioned here that the relations between India and China is at an all-time low, with confrontation between the armed forces of both the Asian giants entering its eight month.