As the country continues to grapple with the rising number of Black Fungus (Mucormycosis) and White Fungus cases, the nation woke up to the shock of its first reported Yellow Fungus case in UP on Monday.

The first case of yellow fungus infection has been detected in Ghaziabad in Uttar Pradesh.

As per reports, doctors and medical experts have already deemed Yellow Fungus more dangerous than White and Black fungus.

Poor hygiene, consumption of unhygienic food and unsanitary conditions reportedly result in Yellow Fungus infection.

Humid conditions in the atmosphere along with poor hygiene standards, which enables the bacteria and fungus to live and ready to infect can also result in Yellow Fungus infection.

 The initial symptoms begin with extreme tiredness, weight loss and lowered appetite.

As the infection spreads in the body, it results in internal bleeding, sunken eyes and finally internal organ failure.

In severe cases, Yellow Fungus can also result in leakage of pus and slow healing of open wounds.

The treatment for Yellow Fungus is no different from the treatment adopted for Black Fungus or White Fungus infection.

The anti-fungal injection Amphotericin-B is considered the primary treatment.

 In the case of Black fungus and White fungus, the outer physical features show symptoms such as facial swelling and severe headache.

However, the doctors have said that the Yellow Fungus infection starts internally.