Foundations of a 4700-year-old large wooden structure have been discovered in China. 

The discovery was made in Hunan province of China. 

Several large wooden constructions have been discovered during excavations at Jijiaocheng Site, a Neolithic city site in central China’s Hunan Province. 

Archaeologists are of the view that the large-scale and well-preserved constructions and their craftsmanship enrich the architectural history of prehistoric China, Xinhua reported. 

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“The archaeologists systematically sampled the wood of F63. The research results show they date back to between 2800 B.C. and 2700 B.C.,” said Fan Xianjun, the executive leader of the excavation. 

Notably, the Hunan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology has been conducting on-site investigations, mapping, and systematic archaeological drilling since 1998.