recent study for the first time has found microplastics in human breast milk.

The discovery was made by a team of Italian scientists who have now brought in concerns among experts about the health consequences for infants.

As per reports, the scientists test milk samples from 34 healthy mothers in Italy.

Of the total number of samples, the team detected microscopic plastic particles in three-quarters of them.

Further, the team noted that infants remain especially vulnerable to chemical contaminants.

It said research on the issue was urgently needed. 

While the new detection has brought in many concerns, the team has also stated that there are advantages of breastfeeding are much greater than the disadvantages of the “polluting microplastics”.

It may be mentioned that microplastics are fragments of any type of plastic less than 5mm in length. 

They are considered to have toxic effects on human cell lines, lab animals and marine wildlife as per some studies.

However, the impact of microplastics on living humans remains unknown. 

The study regarding this is still being carried.