Guwahati: Former Saudi Intelligence Chief, Prince Turki Al-Faisal voiced his condemnation of both Israel and Hamas for their actions in the Israeli-Hamas conflict.

He condemned Hamas for allegedly targeting civilians, a practice he said goes against Islamic principles prohibiting harming civilians and desecrating places of worship.

Prince Turki criticized Israel for the “indiscriminate bombing of innocent Palestinian civilians” in Gaza and alleged attempts to drive them into Sinai.

He speaking on the conflict in the region said there are no heroes, only victims.

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Prince Turki asserted that all militarily occupied people have the right to resist their occupation, even through military means.

However, he suggested an alternative approach, favouring civil insurrection and disobedience, citing historical examples such as India’s struggle against the British Empire and Eastern Europe’s resistance against the Soviet Empire.

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The recent escalation in the conflict involved Hamas operatives crossing into Israeli settlements and killing over a thousand Israelis, both soldiers and civilians.

In response, Israel has declared its intent to eliminate Hamas. It has launched airstrikes on Gaza, resulting in the death of over 3,000 civilians, including a hospital attack with a high casualty count.

He further added that both parties in the conflict deserve condemnation and pointed out that Israel’s overwhelming military superiority has led to devastation in Gaza.

He criticized Israel for targeted killings and the indiscriminate arrest of Palestinian individuals, including children, women, and men in the West Bank.

Additionally, the former Intelligence Chief expressed his concern about how the events in the Palestinian struggle are “framed” in Western media.

He questioned the use of the term “unprovoked attack” and argued that Israel’s actions over many decades have provided ample provocation.

He referenced historical incidents, such as the admission by Israeli army veterans of their role in the 1948 massacre of Palestinians, as evidence of the ongoing conflict.