Beneficiaries of beautician training along with guests in the valedictory function
Beneficiaries of beautician training along with guests in the valedictory function. Photo: Northeast Now

The Red Horns Army of Darrang and Udalguri districts of Assam has come up with a new project of free skill development training and job placement  for local youths.

Red Horns Army operating in Darrang and Udalguri districts for control of insurgency activities has observed that so long youths of the region are not empowered with some life skills and  educated  youths remain jobless  the problem of insurgency could not be solved permanently  simply by means of arms power.

Keeping this observation in mind, the unit of the Red Horns Army under its operation Sadbhavana for the year 2018-19 has recently come forward with a new project of free skill development training and job placement for the local youths.

As a part of this project a two months short training programme on beautician for a group of thirty local young girls from the families belonging to under privileged BPL category have been conducted.

In this free of cost training programme, special focus on the all round learning of the trainees have also been made and the Army provided necessary ‘kit’ to the trainees.

Ashima Rishi, president of the Army Wives Welfare Association (AWWA) of ‘Invictus Bde’ which has been supporting this mission encouraged the participants with her presence in the valedictory ceremony.

Following the completion of the training all the trainees have developed self-confidence among themselves to start a venture of self reliance.

This was informed on Thursday by a senior Army official, presently functioning in the Army camp at Chapai on the outskirts of Mangaldai.

Meanwhile talking to this reporter a section of beneficiaries including Basanti Rabha of Nakhamra village, Deepa Devi of Khangkhalabari and Esha Daimary of Niz-Sonaigaon village have explained  the sustainable benefits of the programme and expressed their strong desire to start their income generating venture within a short period.

“It was an wonderful opportunity for us and this will enable us to begin a fresh career,” they shared.

Mention may be made here that earlier the Army  with the support from the prominent corporate house like ICICI under its CSR,  provided free of cost short term training  on various soft skills including office administration, retail sale, financial management etc to a group of selected youths.

The first batch of 11 youths including young girls from the said region following their successful completion of their training programme that had started earlier in the month of September have received job placement offers from various leading private sector companies in the country including North East Small Finance Bank, Matrimony.Com and MOTIF of Ahmedabad among others against a monthly salary in between an amount of Rs 12,000 and Rs 20,000, the source added.

Mayukh Goswami is Northeast Now Correspondent in Mangaldai. He can be reached at: [email protected]