The dwellers of East Kameng district in Arunachal Pradesh observing World Toilet Day on Monday. Photo: Damien Lepcha

Along with the rest of the world, the dwellers of East Kameng district in Arunachal Pradesh also on Monday observed World Toilet Day with an objective to promote the amalgam of cleanliness and sanitation as advocated under Swachch Bharat Mission at Bana near here.

To celebrate the fifth anniversary of World Toilet Day, the PHE & Water Sanitation department along with the district administration had launched a fortnightly celebration with the theme “When Nature Calls – to focus on nature-based sanitation solutions” across the district at Lumdung earlier on November 9.

To mark the celebration, mass mobilization activities on cleanliness, health and sanitation at village level were also carried out across the district.

The Shramdaan at Rang village was followed by a series of IEC promotional events on health and sanitation such as school and village level awareness campaigns and rallies.

Speaking in the event at Bana on Monday, East Kameng deputy commissioner Gaurav Singh Rajawat urged everyone to promote and inculcate the habit of using sanitary toilets and living healthy and hygienic life.

Emphasizing the importance of health, sanitation and cleanliness by ensuring community level participation, the DC stressed the need for making Swachch Bharat Mission more people-centric rather than just construction of toilets. He further stressed the achievement of open defecation free (ODF) in true sense, not just for the status and numbers in target sheets.

Appreciating the government officials, public, youths and students for promoting the objectives of Swachch Bharat Abhiyan, Rajawat exhorted the school children to adopt a habit of living healthy lifestyle and become a brigade of messengers of health and hygiene.

He further urged all stakeholders to extend their support and coordination in achieving the true objective of the programme.

PHE&WS executive engineer Bharat Sonam briefed the gathering about the origin and objectives of the World Toilet Day and elaborated on the significance of adequate sanitation and access to safe and clean toilets for all.

Sonam appealed to all stakeholders to work collectively to achieve the true goals of the day.

Damien Lepcha is Northeast Now Correspondent in Arunachal Pradesh. He can be reached at: [email protected]