Tage Taki
Arunachal Pradesh minister Tage Taki addressing HoDs at Ziro. Image credit - Facebook

Arunachal Pradesh agriculture, horticulture, fisheries, veterinary and dairy development minister Tage Taki on Thursday exhorted the departmental heads in Lower Subansiri district to work without any political bias.

Taki, who represents the Ziro-Hapoli Assembly constituency, said this while addressing a coordination meeting of Lower Subansiri district’s HoDs.

“The election process is now behind us. We all need to shed our political differences and be a part of the development agenda and welfare programmes,” said Taki.

“Your apathy towards your job because of such differences will hamper the developmental process. Therefore as officers you should take pride in your jobs and serve the people to your utmost capacities,” Taki told the departmental heads.

“Let us re-energise ourselves, rectify our thought process and vow to serve our people,” he said, urging them to work as a team.

During the course of the meeting, Taki took stock of all the welfare and developmental activities in the district.

“Aadhaar seeding will have to be completed by the end of July. For the lack of Aadhaar seeding, many social sector welfare programmes and schemes do not reach the actual beneficiaries. It also impacts the fund flow for the welfare programmes,” Taki said while reviewing the activities under the ICDS and medical projects.

He directed the district statistical office to set special camps and complete the Aadhaar seeding by end of July while also assuring all assistance for the same.

“It is very essential to analyse the consumer-production gap in agriculture and horticulture sector to plan further expansion programmes,” he said, directing the Horticulture and Agriculture departments to carry out baseline surveys for systematic planning.

“Our focus this time shall be on maize, millet, pulses and other sustainable crops. With our Prime Minister’s vision to double the income of our farmers by 2022, it is necessary to adopt more commercial crops. Ziro being blessed with ideal weather conditions for these crops, we can have a bumper harvest if there is the will,” he said and exhorted all the staff to work with a renewed zeal.

Taki directed the EE, Urban Development department to prepare the master plan for Ziro to oversee uniform and organised development of the area and also to identify places left out for concrete pavements.

He also directed the department to work out a plan for landscaping Ziro-Hapoli township area.

With regards to water conservation and management, he directed the EE, PHE to speed up the tender process for the water-tapping project from river Pange.

He further directed EE, WRD to identify areas along the entire stretch of river Kley for erecting bunds that could be used to replenish the irrigation channels and maintain the required amount of water level throughout the year and prepare a DPR accordingly for further perusal.

Taki asked the Tourism department to initiate plans for tourism activities in and around Swekhe lake while directing RWD to prepare a plan for community fencing.

“It is very essential to complete the remaining stretch of community fencing for agri-horti activities like multiple cropping,” he added.

Later, all the HoDs enlightened the minister about their departmental activities and placed the infrastructural gaps for his attention.

The minister also invited all the officers to participate in the International Yoga Day to be observed in Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya at Dobi on Friday.

The meeting was also attended by deputy commissioner Chukhu Takar.

Damien Lepcha is Northeast Now Correspondent in Arunachal Pradesh. He can be reached at: [email protected]